Minecraft Nether Fortress Finder

Minecraft Nether Fortress Finder
3 min readJun 15, 2021


One of the scariest areas in Minecraft is the Nether. In Minecraft, the nether is similar to the second dimension. There is an overworld, which is where players begin, and a Nether, which can only be reached by constructing a Nether portal. Read about How to Find Nether Fortress.

In Minecraft, a Nether portal is a 14-block box that can only be made out of obsidian. Pouring a bucket of water on lava will yield obsidian. Obsidian can only be mined with a diamond or Netherite pickaxe, so keep that in mind.

After constructing the Nether portal’s construction, players must light it using flint and steel (made from one iron ingot and one steel ingot). The portal’s midsection will light up purple, allowing the player to utilize it as an entry to the nether.

Players will spawn in the Nether at random and will be on the search for Netherite (the strongest armor in Minecraft). Mobs exist in the Nether, just as they do in the overworld, and they can be rather vicious.

This article will tell players about the Nether’s top five most difficult monsters.


Although withers are not commonly found in the Nether, they are one of the most dangerous creatures in Minecraft. Some even claim that the wither dragon is more difficult to slay than the ender dragon.

The wither is a Minecraft boss monster that can only be found in the Nether. Players must generate withers on their own, and they’ll need soul sand and wither skulls to do so.

The wither is extremely difficult to destroy, hence it is strongly advised that players equip heavy armor while battling it. The wither will drop a Nether star when it dies, which may be utilized to make beacons later.

Skeleton of the Wither

The wither skeleton is a hostile creature in Minecraft that players should avoid while exploring the Nether. The wither skeleton wields a stone blade and waits for players to pass by before attacking.

The wither skeleton looks like a regular skeleton in the overworld, but it’s black and wields a stone blade instead of a bow.

The wither skeleton may shed a wither skeleton when it dies. To spawn the boss wither, players will need to utilize this item.


Blazes may be simple to kill in Minecraft for certain players, but their powers are complicated. Players up to 48 blocks distant will be targeted by Blaze! They float around in the air, waiting to attack.

The blaze attacks by hurling three fireballs at players, inflicting fire damage for a few seconds. Blaze may be found at the Nether Fortress, and when killed, they will drop blaze rods. These rods can be used as one of the elements for making ender eyes.

Players can douse the flames with water or use a fire resistance potion or spell to put out the fire. Blaze will not fire unless there is a clear line of sight between the player and the target.


Ghasts in Minecraft are comparable to blazes, however ghasts have a greater diet than blazes. Ghast are bloated jellyfish-like mobs. Ghast may appear melancholy, but there’s true fire under those tear droplets! When attacking, Ghasts will launch explosive fireballs at players.

The advantage of combating ghast over flame is that ghast fire balls may be deflected. Fire balls may be countered by striking them with a sword or shooting an arrow at them before they hit the player.

If the player is far away, ghasts will usually not try to chase them; instead, they will just start blasting the player with fireballs without getting too near. When this happens, players will have to assault with a bow. If a player does not have a clear line of sight, Ghast will not fire.

Cubes of Magma

Magma cubes may not appear to be very difficult to destroy in Minecraft, but their ability is what makes them one of the most difficult creatures in the Nether. Magma cubes attack players by leaping towards them and attempting to fall on top of them, inflicting damage everytime they are touched.

The closer a magma cube comes near the player, the faster it will leap. Magma cubes, unlike blaze and other Nether monsters, are not affected by water and do not sink in lava.

